The Best Way to Learn Front-End Development & Create Websites

Unlock the skills needed to become a proficient front-end web developer by mastering the core technologies that drive modern web development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.js. This course guides you through each essential technology, providing the foundation to build beautiful, interactive websites and web applications. 

  • Duration:

    6 Months

  • Format:

    On-site (6 hours/week)

  • Price:

    80.000 AMD/monthly

  • Front-End Developer Full Course with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.js for modern web pages.
    Learn the fundamentals of HTML and CSS to build mobile-friendly and well-structured websites.

    HTML and CSS Course

    Explore the core elements of front-end web development in this interactive course. Learn how to structure content effectively using semantic HTML tags, create tables, and design mobile-friendly websites. Perfect for beginners looking to learn HTML from scratch.

    • altUnderstand the fundamental building blocks of web pages, including structure, syntax, and the use of tags.
    • altLearn how to format text, create hyperlinks, and insert images.
    • altMaster creating tables and lists to organize content.
    • altDevelop a deep understanding of CSS to style web pages, including text formatting, color schemes, and layout styles.
    • altGain hands-on experience with modern CSS techniques like Flexbox, CSS Grid, and transitions to create responsive, adaptive layouts.
    Master the basics of JavaScript to enhance your front-end development skills and write efficient code.

    JavaScript Basics

    Before diving into advanced frameworks like React.js, mastering JavaScript is essential for any front-end developer. This course covers the fundamental concepts and syntax of JavaScript, empowering you to write clean, efficient code for your websites.

    • altLearn how to manipulate data using variables, operators, and control structures like loops and conditionals
    • altUnderstand how to handle events and user input (button clicks, form submissions).
    • altPractice DOM manipulation to dynamically update web page content.
    • altLearn to write functions, manage scope, and handle data with objects and arrays.
    • altGet introduced to JavaScript's asynchronous nature with Promises and async/await for real-time user interactions.
    Learn React.js and create dynamic, interactive web applications for modern front-end development.

    React.js Full Course

    Dive deep into React.js and learn how to create dynamic, interactive web applications. This course caters to beginners and those with basic programming knowledge who want to advance their front-end development skills.

    • altLearn core React concepts like functional components, JSX syntax, and props.
    • altLearn how to interact with APIs and handle asynchronous data fetching with Axios or Fetch API.
    • altExplore managing state with React hooks like useState and useEffect to build interactive applications.
    • altGain proficiency in state management using Redux and learn best practices for scalable app development.
    • altMaster routing and navigation with React Router to build multi-page apps.
    Learn to create a fully functional website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with responsive design and interactive features.

    Create a Website Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Step-by-Step

    Learn to integrate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into a cohesive web development workflow by building a fully functional website. This project-based course guides you through designing, developing, and deploying a responsive website. Starting from scratch, you’ll set up your development environment and coding tools. You’ll structure your website with HTML5, style it with CSS3, and enhance its functionality with JavaScript. The course focuses on creating dynamic user interfaces, integrating media, forms, and animations, and ensuring mobile-friendly design through responsive principles. Additionally, you’ll learn how to deploy your site, including hosting and optimizing its performance.

    Create responsive websites and enhance career growth by mastering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.js for frontend development.

    Career Growth and Starting Front-End Web Development Mastering

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.js opens endless opportunities in front-end web development. This course equips you with the skills to create real-world projects and develop full-featured websites. By mastering sought-after tools and technologies, you’ll gain a competitive edge in the industry. The final project will be a valuable addition to your portfolio, showcasing your expertise. With guidance and mentorship from industry professionals, you’ll gain the confidence to advance your career and explore new opportunities in front-end development.

    Enroll now and take your first step toward becoming a skilled front-end web developer.

    Front-End Development Course Syllabus

    What You'll Learn:




    Working with APIs


    Core Concepts


    Testing and Debugging


    Building Interactive Web Pages


    Performance Optimization


    Developing with React.js


    Deployment and Hosting


    Styling and Responsive Design


    Final Project


    JavaScript Fundamentals


    Practice Your Skills with Real Projects


    Advanced React Techniques

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